You know, I like cats and specialy tigers.
Today I found interesting info about these animals that post here.
On the photo here is
Siberian tiger. There are only not more than 450 of them in siberian taiga today, but these dates are incouraging because the number is increasing, as I wrote in one of my posts befor.
Very grave situation is with other tiger family,
South China tiger -there are only 10 to 30 of them in wild life and another 60 in captivity, the Chinese sub-species of the tiger clan is on the brink of extinction. China had initiated experiments to save the specie but they did not go very far. All hope in this young male,
writes CNN in an article about them

I think, females-tiger will think: it's a very beautiful partner to make cubs with him....
tiger in crisis news you can read on this site,there is
a blog about tigers there, the only problem is they are not very fresh. Maybe we have to leave our comments there that the authors can understand we wait for photos, news ecc.
etailed info you can find about
indian tigers. On the site dedicated them the number of tigers in India is valutated as 37761.

This specie can alow to feel more relaxed, like this one

An interesting video
What the tiger thinks about indian tiger you can see in my previous post.