Now, the end of the story about the Mandarina ducks.
The problem was that the Mandarina females both wanted the same male and did not want to know anything about the young we took for them at the place of the old male whom both females did not want at all.
The most bad thing was that the male, prefered the female of the old duck, flirted with the young female as soon as she looked at the new male. We did not know what to do with them.

But the young male was very decided. About a week ago the battles began. It was something incredible. They run and hit themselves for 3 or 4 days. They did not provoke wounds since they used wings and beaks to hit and jumped one on the other. But I was worried, one of them becomes exhousted and the other will drown him. The new, younger male, seemed to be more powerful than the other.
Interesting is that the females rushed between them to divide them. The young female began to follow him after the first day of the battles but he was not convinced of her love...
So, 3 or 4 days after, we decided to put the old couple in an other open-air cage. But when we came there... everything was finished: there were 3 couples near the pond. And the battles finished.
Don Juan remained with the old female and passes all the days to tell her how much he loves her...

And the young male conquered the young female. I do not have the foto because it's raining but as soon as the weather will change, I'll show you the new couple.
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