So I began to look for rottweiler puppies for sale. It's not so easy to find a good dog to buy. There are different problems, when you want to buy a dog from a good breed. One of the very painful is, you become a wish to show him to referees and to win prizes in dog-shows. It's something that doesn't depend on you. You give all your soul to grow and educate this dog and you want to know, it's the best.
Maybe we have to change a breed.
I've seen many times Golden Retrievers in documentaries and books about dogs. This breed seems to me not so solid and steady as Rottweilers. They have to be more nimble and light-hearted. But golden retriever puppies need more cures because they have to be brushed, every day. And our animals live not in the house.
Rottweiler is good, but maybe we are too old to buy a dog like this. He needs to feel a hard character, an athletic person, so that he can respect you for the power of your soul and body, if it's so, you can dominate him as his God.
Oh, so many questions are to consider when you decided to buy a puppy...
I hope you find a nice new puppy. I like Golden Retrievers.
I've never had this breed else, but I think Golden Retrievers have to be very good for elder persons.
Excuse me, Footiam, I could not publish your comment for the words that are not alowed in this post.
Here is the second part of your comment:
Anyway, Rotweliers could turn up to be a killer. It has known to attack people over here.
I wanted to say: It's not true. These breed is very good-hearted, quiet and steady.
The problem is that humans use and educate them in the mistaken way. To full up the holes in own character mostly.
And Rottweiler has a very powerful personality. He needs a more powerful and equilibrated head of his troop.
The persons with psychical problems like inferiority complex (and most of us have it) has not to ruin this extremly good character.
Thanks for the clarification.
Thank you for understanding, Footiam.
My daughter loves dogs, but I did not give her one.
Yes, I felt that keeping a pet is a responsibility and a promise to love and care for life.
I hope you'll find your new puppy soon.
You are right, Amethyst, we have not create more unhappiness than just exist around us, I think.
I have been extensively involved in dogs and dog training all my life (I am now in my 50's). There is no breed that is naturally "mean" or "a killer." On the other hand, there are breeds with certain traits that have been bred into them. Rottweilers, and other breeds that are large and have been bred to be naturally protective, usually need an assertive owner who can be the necessary "pack leader" to a dog that might be strong-willed. Properly raised and trained, most Rottweilers are wonderful, sweet dogs who are very good with children. Unfortunately, when raised badly, they can be aggressive and dangerous. On the other hand, so can cocker spaniels--more so, probably, than Rottweilers. They just don't look scarey and they aren't as big.
Thank you very much, ss, I say it always too> it-s more possible that a little dog will bite you as a big dog. In fact, they are often more aggressive as those big. Because they have the life more difficult in sense, they are little and have to fight more that others accept them as "dogs". Big dogs are sure about their power and place under the sun.
I read yesterday, the same is for the training of lios. A lion has to be sure, you are more powerful as he. You are unexpected for him and that is why the "domestic" lion is more dangerous as wild. Wild will think 2 times what he can wait from you, "domestic" knows you and is not afraid of you.
2 year ago, I think, one very famous domator of very famous domators family was killed by the lion that was as his son pratically. The lion did not understood, what he did and looked for him and called him many days after the incident. I don't know, if the family killed him after it...
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