This one was surely adult. It was about 10 cm long. We have shrews too but they are similar to mices and are much more little.
I told you just that there are persons that pay fortunes to have a moleskin coats. I did not touched THIS animal, but once we had an alive one and I took it in the hands. Splendid fur! And you can imagin it looking at it on the photo.
I was surprized to see it's tail, you know. And I thought about an other thing: Did you hear about chiromansy (so?)? Look at the "hand" of the mole.
And at it's nails!
We don't have moles over here and I think i would like to hold them in my hands!
The sensation is very nice when you touch the fur. But the mouth can bite...
We have a lot of moles here and they can really make a mess of your garden if they decide to live under it! You don't often see them because they live underground :O)
It's a tragedy for my garden, these sympatic beasts. And there are rats and shrows more... Ahhh... I bought gladioluses today but will plant them in the vases on the terrass
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