If your animal is a cow and you are a breeder, these competition become very important for you.
The agricultural shows are very important for the cow-breeders bacause they can show, sell their animals, but they can raise their status -and the prices- if they win. So in the show you can see the breeders walking with their animals -to learn them to walk among the persons.
I laughed very laud when I saw this scene. What is the worker doing, do you think? He is shaving the udder to make the young cow more beautiful and attractive. So is she washed, brushed and even shaved for competition now.
It seems sad that we look after them, fuss about them and teach them to mix with humans, then we kill them and eat them. Such is the way of the world though.
Once I watched a documntary. A calf comes to a man, rises his eyes and looks at him, at this man. These big eyes. And the man shouts him in this moment. In the head. Among these eyes.
I see this scene in my memory today too.
I know that I'm not right.
You posted about cows too!
I am sad that people eat cows....well, I guess I do too. I am sad.
I suppose we have similar karma. ;-))) It is possible that I was leopard-sal in th previous life.
We don't have this type of competition here but I have been to a market full of buffaloes and pigs elsewhere which I may post in http://travelpangs.blogspot.com after my java Jamboree edition.
Thanks for sharing it. I'll read it today.
Okay, well I learned something new. I had no idea people shaved cows!!!
;-))))) If you re-pass here from time to time you will learn somethiing very often. :-)
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