A year ago there were different goats and different sheep. This year remained only these two. The others were not from the same "company" even if they had this strange behaviour. Who knows, are the goats more indipendant? Need all the sheep to follow somebody? I don't know it. I rarely see them in my life.
Sunday I've seen in TV a story about a sheep that thinks it's a dog, a border colly that works in the factory looking for the herd of sheep together with 4 other dogs. And this "dog" does everything the other dogs do.
It's mother, of that lamb, was dead giving it to the light. The newborn lived with the persons and dogs -and now it's a "dog" too.
Our goats here look very different from the one here. I like the hairdo of your goat!
I like that goat too. I made many photos of it. It's a special breed, not a normal goat. But I forgot to ask the name of the breed.
You think someday they'll make a new breed of human?
I think they just doing it: with this psychological and food shit (pardon) that they obligue to absorb all us...
We have some different goats here too. I think animals can be whatever they want to be, depending on their environment.
Yes, there are different species in the nature too, so it may be that the goat on my photo is the natural selection and not a breed created by the man.
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