I've watched a documentary where a scientist counted how many and what animals catch cats of UK. And he had an incredible number and variety of victims. He even asked UK housewives to take their cats home in the hours when the cats normally go hunting. Because there are too many cats in UK.
We noticed that the main hunters are Basja and Murka. Kotik preferes sausages. And he is not interested to play with these animals. Here on the photo he is only looking at the grasshopper that is a toy of Basja and felt for Kotik.
Basja has different preferences. She eats mices with great pleasure but never grasshoppers or lizards. And becomes very aggressive if I want to take her prey or to free it.
Murka likes to take the mices for our door and chants before she eats or leaves them. Her chants are very beautiful. I don't know, maybe she thinks that her kittens are here or what else. She allows me to take the mouse but goes to look where i throw it and takes it back.
There are many cats in the streets over here too but I don;t see them hunting; there's lots of food in the garbage bins!
Principal time to hunt for cats is late evening and night. But is possible,I think, that they forgot how to hunt if they have too much food.
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