Tuesday, 15 December 2009
The Modern Fable About Golden Fish
A poor old Fisher catches a Golden Fish.
-Let me go, asks the Fish. If you do it, I'll fulfil 3 of your wishes. The old man releases the fish but the fulfiled wishes do not make him happy. And he turns to live as poor as he was.
This is a fable written by Russian poet A.S.Pushkin in XIX century.
And here is the modern fable:
-It's a great fortune you fished me out from this sewage, says the Fish. Pls, fulfil you ONLY ONE my wish!!! Take me to a clean pond or kill me. I can't live and die slowly in this ocean!
Sunday, 22 November 2009
A Lioness With The Mane
A very short quitz for you: how looks a lioness? So:

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Maybe you are right because you have a TV, visit zoos and see lions relatively often. Sometimes the artists have to paint or make a sculpture of something or somebody that he/she had nevewr seen before. On my next photo is the entrance in the Dom of Salerno.

There are a lion and a lioness symbolizing the power and the love of the church. A medieval sculptor had never seen a lioness. So, the lioness for the door has a mane. And maybe it's the only lioness with the mane in the world!
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Maybe you are right because you have a TV, visit zoos and see lions relatively often. Sometimes the artists have to paint or make a sculpture of something or somebody that he/she had nevewr seen before. On my next photo is the entrance in the Dom of Salerno.
There are a lion and a lioness symbolizing the power and the love of the church. A medieval sculptor had never seen a lioness. So, the lioness for the door has a mane. And maybe it's the only lioness with the mane in the world!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Poor Rat
Look at this poor animal. Look at it's "face". What would you feel if somebody would take you and imerge in a pool. How would be your face?
This rat was destinated to make practice to the cats. My husband took it with the trap in the henhouse and wanted the cats eat it.
I don't approve it and say it to him, but he does not want to consider the rats as sentient beings. Well, if we remember how they ate the legs of the alive 6-kg weight cock... My husband had to kill him than because he putrifyed alive... So, my husband has not compassion for the rats.
It is strainge but the cats did not have any interest for the rat. Maybe because it was wet and had not special smell, or it could not run after the cold bath my husband did it. Or they simply do not like the other's prey -I don't know. But they only looked at it. So my husband had to kill it personally than.
Poor rat... It found bad place for it's family...
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Where Insects And Snakes Hibernate
It's autumn. And the anomalous year continue it's strainge way. We have anomalous autumn too. It's cold here. Cold for these places. Because years before we could go swimming in the sea till November. The temperature was 25-30°C.
This year is cold. Today we have 12°C and a week earlier were 10° -normal state for winter. And the winds are too cold. There was not normal warm weather this year at all.
So, all the little animals are just sleeping. I did not make photos of them this year unfortunatelly. But I want to show you the place where they hide for winter. Geckos, snakes etc. Open Terrible Lizards , Animals of Campania. Snakes , to see the photos.
Here is a place not too far from our house where the animals hibernate. Look at the "line" on the rock. Over there is hard stone. Under that hard stone there is a soft part. And it is full of holes. There you can find everything from insects till snakes. If you are enough audacious. We know that Elaphe quatuorlineata (the snake on the photo from Wikipedia that could arrive till 240 cm) sleeps there too.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Useless Pandas
Photo is from here
Yes, this is very nice photo of a nice animal that all of us are accustomed to know protected by biologists, governments etc. It's a symbol of organizations and -in our mind- is assotiated with a calming thought: the modern world is not completely degraded and there is a hope till they try to save all these useless animals like panda, kakapo etc. Even tigers are useless while they do not work for the wellness of the humanity and only eat meat.
Why I write all these futile words?
I'll surprize you, I'm sure.
I read an article that the scientists understood senselessness of their work to save these species, they are useless and give nothing to the humanity and !!! they are not interested to make baby-pandas. So, the scientists decided to renounce on their efforts.
Sincerely, I don't want believe in this notice.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Elefant Reanimating Her Newborn Baby
This video sent me by StumbleUpon is something I've never expected to see. At the beginning I did not want to watch it because I don't like such videos. Not that I don't think is good or natural but I ...I don't know.
Than that baby burned dead and the disperation of the mother.
And than a Miracle! A simple normal everyday Miracle!
Than that baby burned dead and the disperation of the mother.
And than a Miracle! A simple normal everyday Miracle!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Shell Parakeet
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This scene, on the photo, I would like to live in my house. I like parakeets. By the way, could you write me the right name of this parrot in English ?
When I lived with my parents I had a couple of this parrots and thery were very interesting to observe. I had to pass many hours at work every day and that is why I had 2 parrots. If you have a couple they will never speak. If you want it speaks, you have to buy it when it is 36 days old. It's not necessary you cover the cage with black foulard or something like this. This parrots like to stay with the humans and they repeat every your movement and every word they hear. And they like listen to you. They will ask you you speak and will letterally look in your mouth. So, it's very easy that they begin to speak.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
How To "Fish" A Crab
This giant animal is Birgus latro, the coconut crab, called the robber crab or palm thief, I've seen only in the cartoons. On the photo you can see it is really very great.
When I had about 10-12 years, my father took us near the Black sea and I've seen there men that hunt the crabs with special sticks. They bound meat near these sticks and put them between the stones. Crabs came out to eat this food and the fishers took them with facility. I think now, the crabs did not understand that it is danger and the only thing they wanted to have that piece of meat. So they took it very fast and the fishers coud take the crabs without any effort. It was like this on the photo but the crabs were red, I remember:
Friday, 9 October 2009
An Experiment Proved Ants Are As Humans
Maybe you remember my post about Terrible Ants that all wanted to come to live this summer in our house? Now I'll tell you hove I wanted to eliminate them.
My husband left one day a peel of the melon on the window. It remaind there all the moring and when I came in the kitchen to cook, it was full of the ants. I thought: till they will be busy to eat on this peel, they will not explore other possibilities to find something to eat. And I left them where they were.
My husband left one day a peel of the melon on the window. It remaind there all the moring and when I came in the kitchen to cook, it was full of the ants. I thought: till they will be busy to eat on this peel, they will not explore other possibilities to find something to eat. And I left them where they were.
Next morning when I came in the kitchen I had time to observe what they are doing. It was so interesting! All the ants (very little this time) were dead on the melon. I was surprized because nobody killed them. I left them to eat so much they want.
Than I noticed some of them moving a little. Than, some of those moving rised and began to go in the direction of their hole. I wanted to see more. Ans that is what I understood:
the ants ate so much they could and than fall on the same place with their stomaches full so that they could not move more. Than, they were able to eat more and they ate. One of the times they could rise up they remembered to turn back in their anthill. Anthole.
Than I noticed some of them moving a little. Than, some of those moving rised and began to go in the direction of their hole. I wanted to see more. Ans that is what I understood:
the ants ate so much they could and than fall on the same place with their stomaches full so that they could not move more. Than, they were able to eat more and they ate. One of the times they could rise up they remembered to turn back in their anthill. Anthole.
I laughd. The ants are so similar to us...
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Terrible Lizards
We have different species of lizards here on the hill. I told you about their life once here in this blog. As you know I don't like insects and all these saurus and snakes. I don't know why. But I try to help them if I can.
As I said you we have 2 types of lizards. And I wanted to take some photos of them this year. I was not very successful but you can understand the difference.
There are very many green lizards her. Look at this one. The expression how it looks at me. "I see this one but I'm not afraid. I observe every movement she makes here! If I feel danger I will go away but till that moment I'll stay here on the sun because I'm not afraid of this stupid being!"

I was surprized when I understood the position it had there on the roof of the henhouse. Do you see how it takes it's back legs? Incredible! What is it doing? lizard-yoga?

This year we have not many other lizards. I don't know why. They were soooo numerous before... This is one of them. Very interesting is that these enter often in our house and even live inside. It's difficult to understand that they are on the wall because they take the color of the place where they live. In the room they are white. When they live on the walls of the house, they are gray. This year they live on the wall under the great whisteria plant ...and they are half green!!!

By the way, they are NOT LIZARDS! They are Gecko! This one is common gecko, Moorish Wall Gecko, Tarentola mauritanica. You can read about them in Wikipedia and from there I took the last photo too.
At the difference of those first that are too proud and don't think 2 times to difend themselves biting you, these gecko had never bite me or my husband. They prefere run away.
As I said you we have 2 types of lizards. And I wanted to take some photos of them this year. I was not very successful but you can understand the difference.
There are very many green lizards her. Look at this one. The expression how it looks at me. "I see this one but I'm not afraid. I observe every movement she makes here! If I feel danger I will go away but till that moment I'll stay here on the sun because I'm not afraid of this stupid being!"
I was surprized when I understood the position it had there on the roof of the henhouse. Do you see how it takes it's back legs? Incredible! What is it doing? lizard-yoga?
This year we have not many other lizards. I don't know why. They were soooo numerous before... This is one of them. Very interesting is that these enter often in our house and even live inside. It's difficult to understand that they are on the wall because they take the color of the place where they live. In the room they are white. When they live on the walls of the house, they are gray. This year they live on the wall under the great whisteria plant ...and they are half green!!!
By the way, they are NOT LIZARDS! They are Gecko! This one is common gecko, Moorish Wall Gecko, Tarentola mauritanica. You can read about them in Wikipedia and from there I took the last photo too.
At the difference of those first that are too proud and don't think 2 times to difend themselves biting you, these gecko had never bite me or my husband. They prefere run away.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Is It True Shepherding?
We have seen so many GOOD (I like them, many of them are relly good) advertising videos. Most of them were about cars. This one... I don't know. I've watched it different times to understand if it's truth or are those computer games. I do not know what to say. I don't believe.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
The Male Says To The Female
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A very big whale swimms around the female and says her with great reproach:
-So many countries, hundreds of ecologist's organisations, most important political leaders of the Earth, millions of humans -all they make everything possible to createthe best conditions for our species to avoid our extinction! And you say me here that you have head aches!
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Friday, 21 August 2009
Basja Is A Hunter
This is an other story about our cat's life. Last time I wrote about Basja's Timetable
---and some of you thought that this cat does nothing other as sleep all days long. But it is not true. Basja is a gourmet. She likes to eat fresh meat. At the difference from other two 'Murka and Kotik- she doesn't like industrial food. Only fresh ecological and biological. It is incredible how fast she is. I've seen some times the reaction and the speed of the cats when they see a prey near enough to take it! But if Kotik for example preferes sausages (remember this post? Kotik And Sausages ) and Murka preferes cheese, Basja eats them only if dead from hunger. Murka is a hunter too, but she never eat what she takes. She leaves it for our door.
Look here what Basja took yeaterday!!!!

When she came with her prey, Murka saw it and wanted to catch her because Murka says, our house is her territory and the preys belong to her. So, Basja went under the car first and than in the room, near me, to eat protected by my presence. Imagine the pleasure I had listeniung to this meal...

Read interesting articles about many different things all over the world in my other blogs:
General "Diary"
about Vacations And Travelling
about semiprecious stones
money making articles
Yungdrung Bon Blog
---and some of you thought that this cat does nothing other as sleep all days long. But it is not true. Basja is a gourmet. She likes to eat fresh meat. At the difference from other two 'Murka and Kotik- she doesn't like industrial food. Only fresh ecological and biological. It is incredible how fast she is. I've seen some times the reaction and the speed of the cats when they see a prey near enough to take it! But if Kotik for example preferes sausages (remember this post? Kotik And Sausages ) and Murka preferes cheese, Basja eats them only if dead from hunger. Murka is a hunter too, but she never eat what she takes. She leaves it for our door.
Look here what Basja took yeaterday!!!!
When she came with her prey, Murka saw it and wanted to catch her because Murka says, our house is her territory and the preys belong to her. So, Basja went under the car first and than in the room, near me, to eat protected by my presence. Imagine the pleasure I had listeniung to this meal...
Read interesting articles about many different things all over the world in my other blogs:
General "Diary"
about Vacations And Travelling
about semiprecious stones
money making articles
Yungdrung Bon Blog
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Very Understimated Capacities Of Animals
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You know me, I say all the life that the animals have the same emotions and even much more superior capacities as we have. There were times when they cryed I'm so stupid etc, than they sad:yes, animals can have their feelings -maybe. Now with the new technologies more and more scientists public their researches results where they say, animals have very special capacities.
Everybody knows today, the elephants can hear with their feet. The confirm of some time ago: the dogs can comunicate with the sounds we canot hear. You, my readers of this blog, you remember you laughed when I told you the story how our dogs deceived us knowing that we can't hear them when they speak this way?
Some time ago wrote here about the very low sounds that the tiger makes when threatens. Wedo not hear this sounds with the ear but we hear them the same.
Today I found very interesting article in Telegraph.co.uk Secret abilities of animals revealed where they write about the world of sound. About bats. By the way, do you remembe the splendid photos (because MINE!) of my post Bats Are Back! ?
Read more of my blogs that are constantly updated!!!
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
One Day From The Life Of Foal Kamuro
Normally I write about our cats and dog. This time I found interesting photos of the horses of one breeder. So, I post here his "reportage". :0)))

«Камуро маленький"Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках

«Рыжая и Камуро (2 дня) "Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках

«Камуро» на Яндекс.Фотках

«Командир "Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках

«Камуро и Ёжа» на Яндекс.Фотках
«Камуро маленький"Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках
«Рыжая и Камуро (2 дня) "Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках
«Камуро» на Яндекс.Фотках
«Командир "Куликово поле"» на Яндекс.Фотках
«Камуро и Ёжа» на Яндекс.Фотках
Monday, 10 August 2009
Buffalos In Campania, Italy
Littoral road that guides us to our beach ( The Voice Of The Sea, Our Favourite Beach) passes near a creamery that offers Mozzarella and other cheeses. What is the best publicity for the buffalo cheese? Here you see them. As you see, the car pass nearby. And the sea is 100 meters behind the trees.
Mozzarella is the type of cheese that is protected by law as made only in this region. Mozzarella of Campania. Here it is
I think, all these are young animals. Even if in other factory were fotos of the buffaloes that were 13 and 15 years old. One of them eated the fence when we were there. Who knows why...
They say, the buffalo meat is very healthy because do not has some dangerous substances.
Friday, 7 August 2009
To Feel Like An Animal
This is from BBC and you can watch a video here.
The scientists created virtual programs that allow the persons to see the world so like the animals see and hear it.

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The scientists created virtual programs that allow the persons to see the world so like the animals see and hear it.
The so-called "immersive" exhibit shows what it might be like to see with birds' ultraviolet vision or hear with whales' ultra-low frequency hearing. (Source)It could be interesting to visit these shows. I did not know that the dogs can percept ultrasounds even if I said it many times that the dogs can "speak" between them so that we don't hear -and what is most interesting that they know it, this fact that we are not able to hear them. And they USE this possibility to deceive us. Many persons said me that I'm not right -but you see - I AM RIGHT!!!
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Sunday, 2 August 2009
Don't Abandon Your Pet!
Finally, summer is arrived. This morning my husband heard that there are 30 km-s of queue near the payment point of our expressway. It is from yesterday that all Italy left the houses and is directed to sea sides. Now everybody is on the beach till 15 of august. And they pass at least 2 days in queues.
Every holyday repeats the same story: italians abandon their pets before they go in bvacation. Dogs, cats and others are friends till the day of departure. 100 000 dogs abandoned in summer a year ago. It's statistics. I don't know, all Itay or only in the region of Piemont.
The alarm of this year is that the persons abandon exotic animals that are dangerous for the local nature. In one lake of one National Park were catched 150 amrerican tortoises!!!
These two?
Noooo, these are Stassi and Murka. It is too hot now. About 40°C in shadow, and the animals suffer too much. Specially Stassi that is old and ill...
Every holyday repeats the same story: italians abandon their pets before they go in bvacation. Dogs, cats and others are friends till the day of departure. 100 000 dogs abandoned in summer a year ago. It's statistics. I don't know, all Itay or only in the region of Piemont.
The alarm of this year is that the persons abandon exotic animals that are dangerous for the local nature. In one lake of one National Park were catched 150 amrerican tortoises!!!
These two?
Noooo, these are Stassi and Murka. It is too hot now. About 40°C in shadow, and the animals suffer too much. Specially Stassi that is old and ill...
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Basja's Timetable
In the morning you can find Basja sleeping on the wall normally. Did you notice that the cats walk on the vertical walls? This wall is about 1,5 m high till the place where Basja sleeps. The cats reach it walking. Incredible capacities.

During the day time Basja sleeps in this arm-chair. Seems, it is too comfortable.

In the evening Basja sleeps on the high furniture in the room.

No, she sleeps not all the time. In the moments when she changes the place she looks out of the room and controls the situation. Here, the noice that create insects is so loud that the poor cat could not sleep and had to see if she can do something to catch them. But they are sooooo numerous!!!! So, the only thing to do is to change the place for more silent.
During the day time Basja sleeps in this arm-chair. Seems, it is too comfortable.
In the evening Basja sleeps on the high furniture in the room.
No, she sleeps not all the time. In the moments when she changes the place she looks out of the room and controls the situation. Here, the noice that create insects is so loud that the poor cat could not sleep and had to see if she can do something to catch them. But they are sooooo numerous!!!! So, the only thing to do is to change the place for more silent.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
How To Buy And Live Happy With A Puppy
Many persons do not think much when they decide to buy a puppy.They go in the first shop and take the first nice puppy they see. And it can create problems in future for them. Before you go in that first shop, consult special sites where you can find puppies for sale. There you will find different advises from experts that explain all the steps you have to do. Don't take it easy. Every dog and every breed has own character. And the breeds have more marked and even strongly pronounced traits of the character. So, as example, many persons think that little dogs are like toys. But they have normally very strong character and are very possessive. And the toy becomes the master after not so much time.
The owners of the dogs have often an other problem: they want their pet has puppies. Sometimes it's not so easy. It can happen that there are not other dogs of this breed in the zone of residence or it can happen that your "girl" does not like the " fiancé" that lives nearby. Our female, for example did not want to have puppies with our male. And it was a real problem for us. And I know a lady that had to make many hours flights everytime she wanted her "baby" goes to the male because it was a very rare breed. So you can consult sites where you can find stud dogs with clear description of the dog and all the information you can need.
One of the very serious sites where you can find all the information from the point when you begin to think about a puppy till the solutions for many dog owner's problems is www.puppies-forsale.co.uk. There are not only advises and descriptions of breeds, products you can need for yur puppy. It's a help for thse who wants to sell the puppies they have because you can advertise your puppy too. Be informed and become happy with your puppy!
The owners of the dogs have often an other problem: they want their pet has puppies. Sometimes it's not so easy. It can happen that there are not other dogs of this breed in the zone of residence or it can happen that your "girl" does not like the " fiancé" that lives nearby. Our female, for example did not want to have puppies with our male. And it was a real problem for us. And I know a lady that had to make many hours flights everytime she wanted her "baby" goes to the male because it was a very rare breed. So you can consult sites where you can find stud dogs with clear description of the dog and all the information you can need.
One of the very serious sites where you can find all the information from the point when you begin to think about a puppy till the solutions for many dog owner's problems is www.puppies-forsale.co.uk. There are not only advises and descriptions of breeds, products you can need for yur puppy. It's a help for thse who wants to sell the puppies they have because you can advertise your puppy too. Be informed and become happy with your puppy!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Once More About Kakapo

Imagine that is possible to go to work as a volunteer there (there is a special page for those who wants to try this way to help this incredible parrot). Sincerely I would like to do it. As you know, I live all the life with animals and birds, am mother, veterinarian and everything and everybody for them, and am not afraid to remain completely alone day and night. But there are many other terms and conditions... And it's too far...
So, the only thing I can do for them is to tell about to all you who reads this blog. And hope you enjoy to read about them.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Terrible Ants
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You probably think that this is a little nice animal, an insect and that I'll tell you a fable or a nice story...
You are wrong. I have now not photos but I think I'll have the possibility to take them n the next days. This insect is a real problem for us this summer.
Not only they eat all the wooden parts of the house. All parts of the house are covered with the carpets of the ants.
First, till some days ago, they were many but walking in a queue here or there. If you kill them here they go out there. I did not want to kill them, they are alive beings. My buddhist friends told me they don't like talk. And I put it everywhere they went out.
Than they became more numerous. And went out from everywhere. But it was possile to do something.
Today we have a real invasion. Enter in the room and see all the table covered with ants! I called my husband and scold him because I thought he left a piece of bisquit on the table. But than I enter in an other room and see an other surface completely covered with the ants!
Ants, ants and ants everywhere... I feel so that I'm covered with ants too...
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Bats Are Back!
Maybe you heard me complain the absence of bats, snakes ans lizards-cocodriles (this is a name I gave tham because they are similar to cocodriles, the scientific name I do not know) this year. But they are back!!!
We have bad weather now once more these days and the insects maybe fly low, I do't know the reason, but yeastrday and a day earlier I found an entire troup of bats when I looked out of the window. I run for my photo camera and was so fortunate to have these some photos:

But the most "rappresentative" -for me- is this last. Beleave me, I did nothing with the photo only cut this part from it. Seems, my camera has reached illumination and became r-rays-camera. Look at the mouse: you can see all the bones!
We have bad weather now once more these days and the insects maybe fly low, I do't know the reason, but yeastrday and a day earlier I found an entire troup of bats when I looked out of the window. I run for my photo camera and was so fortunate to have these some photos:
But the most "rappresentative" -for me- is this last. Beleave me, I did nothing with the photo only cut this part from it. Seems, my camera has reached illumination and became r-rays-camera. Look at the mouse: you can see all the bones!
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