Do you love cats, those terrible creatures of the God?
About a year ago there was a site with all cat's behaviours pictures. It was a great site and the author surely loves and knows cats. I wanted to post the lin here but I could not find it unfortunatelly.
Here you can see the work of an other cat's lover. I'm sure you will enjoy these videos.
The "wake up" cat
The "let me in!" cat
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
A Fisher
I hope you like the idea and go tomorrow to fish too. :)))
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Squirrel Colours
The first, red squirrel, is native for England and I think for all Europe too.
The second, grey squirrel, comes from America in the 1870s. It is more active and winner as native squirrel.
Finally the last, black, is the result of a single mutation in the DNA of greys and appears in 1912.
I laught when I red it, because some time ago I wrote that according to an interesting recent research the leonesses in Africa prefer males with braun mane. If she sees a blond leo she goes away, if she sees a broun one she loses her head. So, now I know that the squirrel-females are not so simple to convince too.The black squirrel is the result of a single mutation in the DNA of greys, giving them higher levels of the pigment melanin in their fur.
Sex selection is also boosting their numbers because female greys appear to prefer them as mates.
By the way
I had an Airdail-female. She had many friends but did not had any preference for one of them. Only she did not love a mastiff. Once we went on the beach and there was a red German sheffild with long fur and he had great broun mane there. He was really beautiful (and knew it, I think). My Bessy fall the same minute in love. What she did to attract his attention! It was a shame to see it! ;))) Fortunatelly the next her love was an Airdail.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
'Parrot Of The Night'
Do you like KAKAPO? (Great name, eh?)
You can't not love them. They are so incredible!
I've seen a film about kakapo for the first time some years ago. Yesterday my husband found an other film about them and fortunately called me to come (I had to cook something to eat) but I saw only the last minutes of the story. So I wanted to read last news about this bird today and found a site with a blog of the rangers from the place where the kakapo live.
This is the address of the site: Kakapo Recovery Programme
and the photo is form this site, clear.
There are only 86 kakapo. But the very nice news are that they have 7 babies! 4 girls and 3 boys!
Forgot to say it: they were practically extinct because of the rats that humans took in New Zealand. These parrots can't fly, they walk. And they walk in a very funny way. And they need very great territory.
I found a video!
You can't not love them. They are so incredible!
I've seen a film about kakapo for the first time some years ago. Yesterday my husband found an other film about them and fortunately called me to come (I had to cook something to eat) but I saw only the last minutes of the story. So I wanted to read last news about this bird today and found a site with a blog of the rangers from the place where the kakapo live.
This is the address of the site: Kakapo Recovery Programme
and the photo is form this site, clear.
There are only 86 kakapo. But the very nice news are that they have 7 babies! 4 girls and 3 boys!
Forgot to say it: they were practically extinct because of the rats that humans took in New Zealand. These parrots can't fly, they walk. And they walk in a very funny way. And they need very great territory.

Friday, 18 April 2008
Impressed By Horses
In the Fair in Bastia Umbra (read reports here A Mann And A Bull, here Italian Cattle Breeds and here "The Factory" In The Fair ) I had very important for me "horses-impression".
There were not much horses and asses there, I don't remember even if those were special breeds or not. I did these photos of colts -beautiful as all babies...

What was special and impressive in this?
How is your behaviour when you are in a fair? You go here and there and make photos without thinking about the souls you see there and interact with. So did I too.
When I came to the place where there was this horse, it (I don't remember even if it was he or she to write the right word here) was in the other part of the pen, but when it saw me, it came to me and it was like it wanted to "speak" with me, to say me something. But I wanted only to make photos. It understood it, resent and went away from me.
Than the same story happened me with this ass. It came to me with great enthusiasm, wanted to say me something, than even asked about caresses. It was so... I did not know what to do, I don't understand what it wants. But I wanted only photos... and the ass was offended too.
You know, I felt very bad then. Really bad. I don't know, they choose me to say me something, but I did not want to listen to them and thought only about photos... I was a stupid tourist there. It was a great shame, that I did not understood what they want.
You know, it's a shame to feel a tourist and don't see and feel other beings.

Related post:
Beautiful Horses by Beetle I like the photos very much
There were not much horses and asses there, I don't remember even if those were special breeds or not. I did these photos of colts -beautiful as all babies...
How is your behaviour when you are in a fair? You go here and there and make photos without thinking about the souls you see there and interact with. So did I too.
When I came to the place where there was this horse, it (I don't remember even if it was he or she to write the right word here) was in the other part of the pen, but when it saw me, it came to me and it was like it wanted to "speak" with me, to say me something. But I wanted only to make photos. It understood it, resent and went away from me.
You know, I felt very bad then. Really bad. I don't know, they choose me to say me something, but I did not want to listen to them and thought only about photos... I was a stupid tourist there. It was a great shame, that I did not understood what they want.
You know, it's a shame to feel a tourist and don't see and feel other beings.
Beautiful Horses by Beetle I like the photos very much
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Kitten Update
These are the last cat's news.
Basja is back. She was away for 4-5 days and finally turned home with great hunger. Maybe she wanted to find somebody better as us -as Murka did once, when she leaved her masters and came to us. They say till today that we stole their cat. Now, Basja maybe wanted to find somebody, but is back.
Kotik has great battles. With the father or with the mother of his kittens -we don't know. Some days ago he was very angry with me because I did not open him the door in the night when somebody beat him. But we said, to become a Male he has to learn to fight and to protect himself. The male becomes Male only if he was beaten many times. Yesterday he came all covered with blood and with torned ear.
He is the biggest cat here and he eats good, has better health. Why he alows to beat him by every cat?
So, at the end he will become a Valorous Fighter. We hope.
And here are the last photos of the kittens. I saw the mother go away and made changes in the hole. Hope, she don't leaves them.

The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
What do you call beautiful life?
Kotik And His Son
Basja is back. She was away for 4-5 days and finally turned home with great hunger. Maybe she wanted to find somebody better as us -as Murka did once, when she leaved her masters and came to us. They say till today that we stole their cat. Now, Basja maybe wanted to find somebody, but is back.
Kotik has great battles. With the father or with the mother of his kittens -we don't know. Some days ago he was very angry with me because I did not open him the door in the night when somebody beat him. But we said, to become a Male he has to learn to fight and to protect himself. The male becomes Male only if he was beaten many times. Yesterday he came all covered with blood and with torned ear.
He is the biggest cat here and he eats good, has better health. Why he alows to beat him by every cat?
So, at the end he will become a Valorous Fighter. We hope.
And here are the last photos of the kittens. I saw the mother go away and made changes in the hole. Hope, she don't leaves them.
All the life of Kotik from the very-very beginning 12 years ago:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photosThe short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
What do you call beautiful life?
Kotik And His Son
Monday, 14 April 2008
I knew that elephants can paint but I've never imagine that something like this is possible. I paint sometimes for my pleasure, but I am not able to do something like this: without scetch, on the white paper only perfect lines. Yes, it's a training, but it's great.
This is what Pet Monologues found about the artist and this artists school:
This is what Pet Monologues found about the artist and this artists school:
the elephant video is great! i looked up more about it on google. THERE IS an art school. = http://www.elephantartgallery.comAnd here is his (PM) very interesting post with confront of Picasso and Elephant.
youtube has about 30 of these movies. yours is by far the best. i am thinking of comparing a picasso video with one of those short elephant ones = both are about 30 seconds long. i also want to compare a picasso painting with an elephant.i have a piece of art i want to show = a little about the artist =
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Don't Сonduct Your Children For A Walk In A Zoo
The photo you see here and all the photos of this story made a man that went with his children in a zoo.
First of all the children wanted to see the sheeps. At that time went a worker of the zoo, took one of them and went away. The family followed him and could assist on this terrible flight and end of the alive sheep.
First of all the children wanted to see the sheeps. At that time went a worker of the zoo, took one of them and went away. The family followed him and could assist on this terrible flight and end of the alive sheep.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Kotik And His Son
This morning when we turnd home, we saw the mother-cat going out from the shed. I wanted to make some photos for you and here is the place where the cat made her litter. Poor animals. I wanted to ad paper or stuff to the box and wanted to cover it -the weather is not good now, it's too cold and it's raining all the days. But my husband says, she -the cat- has to understand they are not in a good place and she has to take them from here... I don't know, I think it's not right. She came here because she has not other place to go... Yes, we don't want other kittens here, but they ARE.

Kotik has finally a son. A year ago there were only females and this year there is a son. And -look at this photo, he is as his father.

The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
What do you call beautiful life?
Kotik And His Son
Kotik has finally a son. A year ago there were only females and this year there is a son. And -look at this photo, he is as his father.
All the life of Kotik from the very-very beginning 12 years ago:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photosThe short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
What do you call beautiful life?
Kotik And His Son
Saturday, 5 April 2008
First and most important is that Kotik has 3 children. I heard them this morning when entered the shed and my husband found them later. 2 females: black and gray, and one male, black as his father. Not more than 1 week old.
It's unpossible, this life. We had sterilized one bride -he took a new one in the house.
Kotik is a good father: he left his bed in the shed to the new bride and now left her all the flat too. So, she is the only mistress there now.
The bride is grey with little patches. So gray as a gray cat in the night.
Well, the other notice is not good. Basja comes not more to us. My husband saw her when he turned home from work in the morning Thursday. Today is Saturday.
It can be that she decided to change the house. They hate one other with Murka and there is not possibility of peace between them.
The second possibility is that the foxes killed her. But they had something to eat this week, because they killed 6 young hens of our heighbour. And then, they don't have to kill cats to eat them maybe. Predators do not eat predators, I think.
Finally, some days ago she was very strange. She entered the room with a strange pass with fixed look. Came near me, but did not want that I touch her. Than she went out, wanted to stretch and ...fall on the side. I was sure, she ate poison and is dieing in my hands.
The cats stole great piece of smoked sausage by our neighbours before and we thought, they put poison in the room with sausages. But after some minutes she felt good.
And now she doesn't come more.
I'm Sad.
All the life of Kotik from the very-very beginning 12 years ago:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photosThe short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
What do you call beautiful life?
Friday, 4 April 2008
"The Factory" In The Fair
Maybe you've watched video from this post Simple- simple stupid sheep where I like the sheep very much. But when we were in the agricultural show I've just described in 2 posts Italian Cattle Breeds and A Mann And A Bull, the sheep were not too clever there. First of all there were only 2 breeds of sheep there (excuse me, I don't know the names):

These last took part of a "factory".
It's very common now: where you go, you'll find a "representation of a factory". To show to the modern population who makes eggs, milk ecc for them. Specially to show it to children.
Once I saw similar tours made for children in Africa. To show them, that there are lions, girafes and other animals in their countries. If they don't know about them, why have we to know, how looks a hen like?
In the "factory" there were some sorts of animals. Between them these little pigs too. I don't know who've ever seen these breed of pigs in a normal factory, no comments.
Well, about sheeps. They were very interesting. They went behind a goat. As a tail behind the dog. At the end the goat was too bored of them and began to beat them.
Poor sheep...
These last took part of a "factory".
It's very common now: where you go, you'll find a "representation of a factory". To show to the modern population who makes eggs, milk ecc for them. Specially to show it to children.
Once I saw similar tours made for children in Africa. To show them, that there are lions, girafes and other animals in their countries. If they don't know about them, why have we to know, how looks a hen like?
Well, about sheeps. They were very interesting. They went behind a goat. As a tail behind the dog. At the end the goat was too bored of them and began to beat them.
Poor sheep...
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Italian Cattle Breeds
There were different cattle breeds in agricultural show we visited saturday. The names of breeds are written over the animals. Not all are so big as Chianina bull from my previous post. But Limousine (mmm... it'f Franch name...) maybe would bigger if he raised in feet. On the first photo you see the moment of competition of young, non married, cows ;)))

These are really ponderous:
The bull was enormous. But look at his "face". Seems to be like a little child.

Related posts:
A Mann And A Bull
Related posts:
A Mann And A Bull
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