I wanted to understand it, because it's important for me if I want work with internet photography. Maybe somebody can explain me this phenomenon?
And than, how to understand the preferences of people?

So, here on this photo is Basja and the moon. Interesting is that the eyes have different light. I think the cats have more difficult life as we. Imagin you have to live day and night.
Or other question: imagin you have to live all your life in the water like dolphins for example.
Maybe, that life is more beautiful as ours? They hear and see and feel more than we can.
You see what questions come in my head in the last period?
You said it Liudmila, not me. The moon is putting many ideas in your head! ;-) But the moon is powerful. A friend who works in a hospital says business in the emergency room is brisk when there is a full moon.
As far a taking photos. Select photos you like, not what you think people will like. That way you gain confidence and your pictures become bolder. And you may begin to have a style, and then a following.
It is very difficult, if even possible, to predict was others will like or not anyway.
Ready, fire, aim! Right?
I like that photo Liudmila. Of course I like unusual things. Is the Mule on You tube? We live near Mountain Lions. They, as well as bears live where I hike. Some years they are hungry and come to town for a cat or two. Coyotes are plentiful around our area as well. (they love cats) You have a pretty cat. As far as Alligators go, 'Crocodile Dundee' was the friend for them. They did bite him sometimes. http:daflikkers.blogspot.com/
Dear PM , Thank you for the thoughts about photos. You know I didn't thought it in this way. You are right, I have to do it in MY way to be "unique". :)))
blogengeezer, thank you verymuch for your "story".I translated it now to my husband and he wants now to put all our cats there to you. :))) These cats are vagrant and ome to us only to eat something toooo good. And leave theire kittens to the "grandies"...
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