Monday, 31 December 2007
Animals of Campania: Monster without name
I have to recognize: I don't like insects.
I don't like them but I admire them.
Look at this monster I found yesterday when went in the yard to cut roses. It was about 7-8 cm long. I don't know why it was not in a warm place. I thought, they had to sleep, insects, in winter.
Yesterday the wether was good enough. About 11-12°C, sunny. I wanted to stay out and decided to cut the bushes of roses. And... saw this.
I saw similar insects befor. More little, about 3 cm, braun, as a dry blade and without feeler, I think.
An other, big as this one, was mantis. And green too. That I know.
Enormous are here locusts, till 10 cm, I think.
About scorpions I wrote in an other post.
Maybe somebody can say something about these species?

Related posts:
Animals of Campania (territory)
Animals of Campania in my house and yard (scorpions)
Animals of Campania. Bats
Animals of Campania. Barn Owl
Animals of Campania. Snakes
I don't like them but I admire them.
Look at this monster I found yesterday when went in the yard to cut roses. It was about 7-8 cm long. I don't know why it was not in a warm place. I thought, they had to sleep, insects, in winter.
Yesterday the wether was good enough. About 11-12°C, sunny. I wanted to stay out and decided to cut the bushes of roses. And... saw this.
I saw similar insects befor. More little, about 3 cm, braun, as a dry blade and without feeler, I think.
An other, big as this one, was mantis. And green too. That I know.
Enormous are here locusts, till 10 cm, I think.
About scorpions I wrote in an other post.
Maybe somebody can say something about these species?
Animals of Campania (territory)
Animals of Campania in my house and yard (scorpions)
Animals of Campania. Bats
Animals of Campania. Barn Owl
Animals of Campania. Snakes
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Why they can?
This photo made me think once more about this: why animals of different species can accept one other. Why humans often can't accept not only animals of other species, but the same human species too?
Rule number one: Respect wild cats!
These videos do not need comments. I think you will agree with me.
In one comment about the tiger that killed a man in a zoo
(the man overpassed the first fence and put his camera into the inner fence where the tigers live, to take the best photo for his family. One of the tigers bite him the arm and the man died later from the lost of blood)
so, one of the visitors of the site wrote: these animals have to be in narrow cages ecc
In these cases nobody remembers WHY. The only thought is: kill them!!!
Rule number one: Respect wild cats!
In one comment about the tiger that killed a man in a zoo
(the man overpassed the first fence and put his camera into the inner fence where the tigers live, to take the best photo for his family. One of the tigers bite him the arm and the man died later from the lost of blood)
so, one of the visitors of the site wrote: these animals have to be in narrow cages ecc
In these cases nobody remembers WHY. The only thought is: kill them!!!
Rule number one: Respect wild cats!
Friday, 28 December 2007
Protect your identity from theft
One of the most frequently happened thefts in America is Identity theft. Every year more than 10 million persons are it's victims and this crime is more and more diffused. The right solution to this problem gives you
What is Identity theft?
Somebody who posesses your documents can open new credit accounts using them, can use your credit cards and create other problems to you. Not only. It costs you time and money to block or to cancell your accounts, to replace your lost documents and to clean your credit history.
Identity theft can happen to everybody and in any situation. You can lose your walley or it can be stolen, thieves can enter in your house or it can happen online. The great problem is that many victims know about it only when the agents contact them for rates ecc.
LifeLock offers you Identity Theft Prevention Program with some important services like WalletLock™. It's the most advanced system avilable in this business and you are immediately after enrollment covered by $1 million service guarantee. The same day LifeLock will contact all major banks and you will have fraud allerts. That means, every time somebody tries to use your identity, you will receive a call to confirm the action. To have more detailed description of how LifeLock works visit the site.
And today you can receive the ever best LifeLock promotion code for One Free Month and 17.5% OFF annual membership. Get your discount today!
What is Identity theft?
Somebody who posesses your documents can open new credit accounts using them, can use your credit cards and create other problems to you. Not only. It costs you time and money to block or to cancell your accounts, to replace your lost documents and to clean your credit history.
Identity theft can happen to everybody and in any situation. You can lose your walley or it can be stolen, thieves can enter in your house or it can happen online. The great problem is that many victims know about it only when the agents contact them for rates ecc.
LifeLock offers you Identity Theft Prevention Program with some important services like WalletLock™. It's the most advanced system avilable in this business and you are immediately after enrollment covered by $1 million service guarantee. The same day LifeLock will contact all major banks and you will have fraud allerts. That means, every time somebody tries to use your identity, you will receive a call to confirm the action. To have more detailed description of how LifeLock works visit the site.
And today you can receive the ever best LifeLock promotion code for One Free Month and 17.5% OFF annual membership. Get your discount today!
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Not a Christmas story
This is not a Christmas story, but I could not go away from the site that published these photos.
To read it, visit this site.

To read it, visit this site.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Love stories
Today I want to tell you 2 love stories.
On the photo on the right you can see the 15-years old dog with his great love. This dog named Taras lived together with his owner till this last became a retiree. Because the pension was too little and not enough even to eat, so the men decided to give the dog to his niece that lived in an other city, about 300 km far from the uncle.
One month later the niece called the retiree and said him, nobody can find the dog, he is get lost. One more month later the man heared the voice of his dog near the house and than taps in the dor so as the dog did.
The man opened the dor and the dog entered, went directly to his place and fall asleep. He slept 3 days. He had a wound on one side and his feet were all covered with blood, but in the rest he felt good and was very happy.
The second is a story about a stray cat.
A couple from Holland came for a vacationwith their car in a portugeese city Tavir. They remain in the city for 6 week and knew there a stray cat. The couple gave him a name Tiger and gave him to eat from their table. When they began to prepare the back-trip, they could not find the cat more. So, they turned back home. But 2000 km later they heared "miau" from inside of the auto. Opened it, they saw the cat sitting not far from the motor.
Nothing to do, they had to adopt the animal. There lived dogs in the house befor, but last of them was dead about half a year earlier. Now the fate wanted they have a cat.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Story of the dog in the ice-cold water
Ron from Pet Monologues read my post The full story of the bear under the bridge
and remembered a story that happend to the dog of a neighbour. Unfortunatelly there were problems with posting comments in Blogger ( and maybe they represent sometime) and Ron could not post the story as a comment. He sent me it by mail and I think the story is good to dedicate a new post for it.
this story reminds me of a friend. her dog went out for his routine evening stroll and did not return that night. very unusual. he did not return by morning when she had to leave for work. later that afternoon she called me to give her a ride to the police station where her dog was being kept warm! it seems the dog fell into a reservoir the night before and could not get out. it was in the middle of winter!the dog tread water throughout the time when luckily someone called the fire department the next morning. the firemen (four fire trucks) had to lower a net into the water so the dog, who could hardly move by this time, had to climb into the netting so the firemen could pull him out of the water.
It's a good story, no?
Do you think it's a rare case? It will be enough that you enter "dog falls through ice" in your search box and see what you will find there. And there are many sites with advices too.
Those are stupid dogs, said Stassi (maybe). She preferes to avoid dangerous places. But when Imir was alive we had many problems with them too.
and remembered a story that happend to the dog of a neighbour. Unfortunatelly there were problems with posting comments in Blogger ( and maybe they represent sometime) and Ron could not post the story as a comment. He sent me it by mail and I think the story is good to dedicate a new post for it.
this story reminds me of a friend. her dog went out for his routine evening stroll and did not return that night. very unusual. he did not return by morning when she had to leave for work. later that afternoon she called me to give her a ride to the police station where her dog was being kept warm! it seems the dog fell into a reservoir the night before and could not get out. it was in the middle of winter!the dog tread water throughout the time when luckily someone called the fire department the next morning. the firemen (four fire trucks) had to lower a net into the water so the dog, who could hardly move by this time, had to climb into the netting so the firemen could pull him out of the water.
It's a good story, no?
Do you think it's a rare case? It will be enough that you enter "dog falls through ice" in your search box and see what you will find there. And there are many sites with advices too.
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Memory and ability of a chimp
Watch this video and say me pls what capcities of eyes and memory has this chimp to make this task. Sincerely, I could even not see 1 or 2 numbers in the moment when the chimp remembered all numbers and all positions.
Is your memory more agile as mine?
Is your memory more agile as mine?
Online Coupons, Codes and Discounts
As everybody of us you look for gifts and discounts in this period. Did you think about shopping online? There are interesting possibilities, discounts and special offers where you can save money and choose something special.
You don't need even control every merchant, passing hours and hours visiting their sites. There are special sites like where you can find all offers and discounts, coupons and codes just ready to use. On the home page you find very clear and simple navigation by coupons, Categories and Stores, most popular of them and added today. Oh yes, this site is updated daily, so you have very last offers to see.
To give you some examples we begin with open the Dell Home page. You find there significant discounts for those who wants to purchase desktops, notebooks, TomTom, digital cameras and other products. Click on the offer you like, ake your order and post the coupon code when you are asked about it.
Do you prefere sporting clothesand bags? Do you like Adidas America? Nothing more simple. Click on the adidas-button pass to the Adidas-page and you will have all offers of Adidas for your eyes. In this moment there are 29% off discount and free shipping. Is it not an interesting proposal?
You will ask me if it's not more clever to go directly to the site of adidas or other merchant? Not always they have the same offers as the sites like You don't have to believe me. Control. I do it myself too. And find really great discounts.
You don't need even control every merchant, passing hours and hours visiting their sites. There are special sites like where you can find all offers and discounts, coupons and codes just ready to use. On the home page you find very clear and simple navigation by coupons, Categories and Stores, most popular of them and added today. Oh yes, this site is updated daily, so you have very last offers to see.
To give you some examples we begin with open the Dell Home page. You find there significant discounts for those who wants to purchase desktops, notebooks, TomTom, digital cameras and other products. Click on the offer you like, ake your order and post the coupon code when you are asked about it.
Do you prefere sporting clothesand bags? Do you like Adidas America? Nothing more simple. Click on the adidas-button pass to the Adidas-page and you will have all offers of Adidas for your eyes. In this moment there are 29% off discount and free shipping. Is it not an interesting proposal?
You will ask me if it's not more clever to go directly to the site of adidas or other merchant? Not always they have the same offers as the sites like You don't have to believe me. Control. I do it myself too. And find really great discounts.
A Hen and an Egg
Read second part Who made this egg?
and Healing qualities of the eggs too
There was a very beautiful hen in the henhouse.
Unfortunatelly she was not so young and a little tired to make eggs every day. So, she decided to take a vacation and did not want to think about the eggs at all.
But she was only a hen and lived in a yard of a house, and there was an owner in this house that wanted his hens make him eggs every day.
After some days the owner noticed the hen did not make eggs more.
Tomorrow I'll kill the hen, he said to his wife. I can't give her to eat if she doesn't want to think about the eggs. But the same evening he had to go in the city for some days.
The hen knew about the intention of the owner and was very frightened. She did not know what to do to dimostrate to the owner how brave she is. So, decided to make him a very special egg.
It was not a simple egg. It was an Egg. And the hen was not satisfyed to make an Egg. She said, she will brood it and will give to her owner a kid. In this way the owner will see how precious is she because she is able to generate him new beautiful beings. So little and so cute. And in this way he had not to buy new hens. And she will live for ever in this yard! She will be the Queen-hen in this henhous!
And she did so as decided.
What do you think said the owner when he saw the result?
And this video you HAVE to see if you have not seen it.
Read second part Who made this egg?
and Healing qualities of the eggs too
There was a very beautiful hen in the henhouse.
Unfortunatelly she was not so young and a little tired to make eggs every day. So, she decided to take a vacation and did not want to think about the eggs at all.
But she was only a hen and lived in a yard of a house, and there was an owner in this house that wanted his hens make him eggs every day.
Tomorrow I'll kill the hen, he said to his wife. I can't give her to eat if she doesn't want to think about the eggs. But the same evening he had to go in the city for some days.
The hen knew about the intention of the owner and was very frightened. She did not know what to do to dimostrate to the owner how brave she is. So, decided to make him a very special egg.
And she did so as decided.

And this video you HAVE to see if you have not seen it.
Read second part Who made this egg?
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Imir and Hedgehogs
I read a post Hedgehogs and Healing Hands at Hospital and thought about my experiences with these animals.
My first knowleges about them were that hedgehogs make great noise, if they come or live in the house, when they walk through the house in the night. Because they are nocturnal animals, sleep in the day and walk in the night. Top-top-top in the silence of the night.
Later there was information in all media telling hedgehogs are very dangerous animals because they are full of fleas and take grave diseases. Sincerely, this info sits so hard in my head till today that I could not see this photo I posted here from the site I linked in the top of this post. It made my flesh creep. The photo. I'm not afraid of them but they are something that takes illness with.
Near the fence where live my dogs there is a little oak. Under this oak lived hedgehogs. Today I don't know if they are their else but when Imir was alive they were our great problem. Because they walked inside the fence and Imir could not stand this violation of his territory. First of all he barked with all his force and dedication till he could take the trespasser in the mouth and kill him at the end.
This barking could last hours and hours. Imagin, that it began at 12 or 01 in the night. There was only one possibility to finish this concert: throw the hedgehog out of the fence. We begin to do it, but the hedgehog turned back 1-2 hours later. We tryed to throw him under the mountain. He needed a day to turn back and came for a walk to Imir next night.
If we were not very fast or the hedgehog was too young, Imir could kill him. How was it possible we don't know till today. Maybe with his great teeth he could arrive till important organs of those hedgehogs.
But they were infinite, those hedgehogs. So the solution we invented was to take a hedgehog, put him in a pail that night and carry him to the other side of our mountain next morning. Imagin that those hedgehogs disappeared from the pail till the morning. We truyed to cover the pail, but they are very powerful and could open the pail if covered without a great stoun over it.
At the end our strategy worked and we could sleep some years in holy peace.
Than Imir was dead.
Today I don't know if the hedgehogs live in that place else. Maybe nobody of them could find this territory. Not as rats that populate the holes under henhouse maximum after some months.
Hope we had not destroy the nice system.
Related stories:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photos
The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
Later there was information in all media telling hedgehogs are very dangerous animals because they are full of fleas and take grave diseases. Sincerely, this info sits so hard in my head till today that I could not see this photo I posted here from the site I linked in the top of this post. It made my flesh creep. The photo. I'm not afraid of them but they are something that takes illness with.
Near the fence where live my dogs there is a little oak. Under this oak lived hedgehogs. Today I don't know if they are their else but when Imir was alive they were our great problem. Because they walked inside the fence and Imir could not stand this violation of his territory. First of all he barked with all his force and dedication till he could take the trespasser in the mouth and kill him at the end.
This barking could last hours and hours. Imagin, that it began at 12 or 01 in the night. There was only one possibility to finish this concert: throw the hedgehog out of the fence. We begin to do it, but the hedgehog turned back 1-2 hours later. We tryed to throw him under the mountain. He needed a day to turn back and came for a walk to Imir next night.
If we were not very fast or the hedgehog was too young, Imir could kill him. How was it possible we don't know till today. Maybe with his great teeth he could arrive till important organs of those hedgehogs.
But they were infinite, those hedgehogs. So the solution we invented was to take a hedgehog, put him in a pail that night and carry him to the other side of our mountain next morning. Imagin that those hedgehogs disappeared from the pail till the morning. We truyed to cover the pail, but they are very powerful and could open the pail if covered without a great stoun over it.
At the end our strategy worked and we could sleep some years in holy peace.
Than Imir was dead.
Today I don't know if the hedgehogs live in that place else. Maybe nobody of them could find this territory. Not as rats that populate the holes under henhouse maximum after some months.
Hope we had not destroy the nice system.
Related stories:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photos
The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Kotik seems to be a winner
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
The full story of the bear under the bridge
Memorial pet urns
This is a sad post for me. Unfortunatelly, our pets have shorter life as we have, and if we want to have a pet, we have to remember that it will live it's 10-15-20 years. Sincerely, after the death of Imir I don't take an other dog for this matter. I have Stassi else, she is 11 years old and I see at her with sad thoughts because her health is not good. We do what we can for her, but we know the truth...
So, maybe it's clever to inform ourselves befor this moment comes. Here is the address to visit: Angel Ashes pet urns is a site that answers all the questions we can have about the loss of our pet-friend. We will find the understanding of our suffer and all possible pet loss support here. The owners of the site offer us a list of the organisations that can help us, a list of books we can read and there is a page with poems written by the persons that had this experience.
On the Angel Ashes we find a page with most common questions we can have. It's good to know why we can prefer cremation honoring our pet's memory and there is a great offer of photo pet urns and other different types of urns. You can choose the urn by breed or one of other simple or original urns.
If you look for figurine dog urns you can use the simple chart or click the letter of the breed and you'll pass to the complete selection of the available urns.
Create a memorial for your pet will help you in this moment and you'll cherish your pet forever.
So, maybe it's clever to inform ourselves befor this moment comes. Here is the address to visit: Angel Ashes pet urns is a site that answers all the questions we can have about the loss of our pet-friend. We will find the understanding of our suffer and all possible pet loss support here. The owners of the site offer us a list of the organisations that can help us, a list of books we can read and there is a page with poems written by the persons that had this experience.
On the Angel Ashes we find a page with most common questions we can have. It's good to know why we can prefer cremation honoring our pet's memory and there is a great offer of photo pet urns and other different types of urns. You can choose the urn by breed or one of other simple or original urns.
If you look for figurine dog urns you can use the simple chart or click the letter of the breed and you'll pass to the complete selection of the available urns.
Create a memorial for your pet will help you in this moment and you'll cherish your pet forever.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Kotik seems to be a winner
I told you yesterday, that Kotik has mani existentional problems today too. He has to fight with his father for father's territory. Kotik has his own territory, but we live on the territory of his father. And Kotik can't leave so warm place.
In the last period we saw, that his father bites him and Kotik assumed the position of submission when he saw the father. My husband was very angry with him, because Kotik is greater as his father, he eats good and feels good too. So great and the little father bites him!
Maybe the things were not so serious bfor, but now there is the period of love after one-two months and the father, I think, wanted to drive out the son.
There were different fights in last weeks. Kotik turned to me all covered with dirt ecc. Yesterday there was maybe the final fight. After it the poor Kotik could not even jump on the seat. But today I saw him to mark the territory of his father.... Maybe he is the winner? How have I to ask him?
I made some photos and hope you like them too.

All the life of Kotik from the very beginning 12 years ago:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photos
The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
In the last period we saw, that his father bites him and Kotik assumed the position of submission when he saw the father. My husband was very angry with him, because Kotik is greater as his father, he eats good and feels good too. So great and the little father bites him!
Maybe the things were not so serious bfor, but now there is the period of love after one-two months and the father, I think, wanted to drive out the son.
There were different fights in last weeks. Kotik turned to me all covered with dirt ecc. Yesterday there was maybe the final fight. After it the poor Kotik could not even jump on the seat. But today I saw him to mark the territory of his father.... Maybe he is the winner? How have I to ask him?
I made some photos and hope you like them too.
All the life of Kotik from the very beginning 12 years ago:
Imir and Stassi, rottweiler-family in photos
The short story of Kotik
Where can you find Kotik on Christmas?
For a walk with Murka
Where our kittens sleep
Nobody wants to play with Matilda
Basja and the Moon
Weather forecast for the next days
Last time together
Cat's life
Forfeited parrot
Could somebody help me pls with the right word for this event: When the policeman makes you pay money for a road-rule you have broken. All dictionaries use other words and I'm not sure I used the right words at the end. Tanks.
Sometimes representants of the public order make incredible gestures. When you read about it you can't believe your eyes. I have 2 stories to tell you about it.
The notice of about a week ago. In a greek cityPatras (hope, I write the name in thr right way) was fined a parrot. Like this on the photo from Nat. Geogr. best photos.
The parrot was sitting for the door of the little restaurant of his owner, Lambros Michalopulos, for 18 years and was the most iportant sightseeing of the city.
But the place where he was sitting was a part of the street with paid parking places. So the parrot was "parked" without paying the place. The owner received the penality 444 euro for prolonged parking without payment.
And this remembered me a case that happend here in Italy some years ago. One paesant turned back home with 3-5 mules after a day he passed in the city visiting the lokal market. Probably his home was far from the city or maybe he has something important to do there, but it was night at the moment of the "incident": a police-auto happend on the same road... and the man became a fine. Because his mules were not provided with sidelights.
No, it's a real case.
The notice of about a week ago. In a greek cityPatras (hope, I write the name in thr right way) was fined a parrot. Like this on the photo from Nat. Geogr. best photos.
The parrot was sitting for the door of the little restaurant of his owner, Lambros Michalopulos, for 18 years and was the most iportant sightseeing of the city.
But the place where he was sitting was a part of the street with paid parking places. So the parrot was "parked" without paying the place. The owner received the penality 444 euro for prolonged parking without payment.
And this remembered me a case that happend here in Italy some years ago. One paesant turned back home with 3-5 mules after a day he passed in the city visiting the lokal market. Probably his home was far from the city or maybe he has something important to do there, but it was night at the moment of the "incident": a police-auto happend on the same road... and the man became a fine. Because his mules were not provided with sidelights.
No, it's a real case.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Cat's life
The reality of the life of the cats is quite different. It's very hard and to have their place in the life, they have to fight till death.
My Kotik is in the last period very nervous. He was the first born kitten, more quiet, more powerful, all milk was for him. He was more happy as his other brothers and sisters because my husband left him in our house. But in this place there was a king -his father. That has to be a young cat else. And Kotik is one who has never to protect himself.
Today Kotik is more big as his father, but when he sees him, is afraid or thinks that it's his father... (That cat came regularly to visit his kittens when they were little.) They have fights fast every day now. Today too. Kotik is back with me now all covered with dirt. The father wants he goes away from here. Kotik has his own place of hunt, but he turns to me for the rest and for sweet pieces... and it's the territory of his father.
Who knows, how will this story finish...
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
The luckiest cat of the world
This is the last notice for today:
Nine-year-old Jelly, a Tasmanian cat, was found with a deadly copperhead snake coiled around its neck.
Yelly is alive, survived the bite.
Read the whole story

What I remembered in this context.
There was a splendid documentary, maybe of Nat. Geogr., I don't remember, told about the lioness naturally, without the anti-venom cure, survived on the bite of the cobra. The lioness took her kittens in a wrong place where there was a cobra changing the skin. Cobra bit all of them. But the lioness could survive after a week,I think of illness.
Imagin the power of her natural defenses!
Nine-year-old Jelly, a Tasmanian cat, was found with a deadly copperhead snake coiled around its neck.
Yelly is alive, survived the bite.
Read the whole story
What I remembered in this context.
There was a splendid documentary, maybe of Nat. Geogr., I don't remember, told about the lioness naturally, without the anti-venom cure, survived on the bite of the cobra. The lioness took her kittens in a wrong place where there was a cobra changing the skin. Cobra bit all of them. But the lioness could survive after a week,I think of illness.
Imagin the power of her natural defenses!
New domestic animals
Peter Hugo Photography. For more photos.
I don't want to express my opinion. Because it could be not right.
Not about the photos. The photographer is brave. And what is he showing us is real life.
I'm thinking about criminal side of our life. We feel too weak in this life. We have to exhibit signs of our power to others. And use animals for it too. I had once an Airedale because I was afraid to go out of the house alown in that period. I spent money for training and felt sure with her.
I know this problem. But I write this post in the category "Abuses".

I don't want to express my opinion. Because it could be not right.
Not about the photos. The photographer is brave. And what is he showing us is real life.
I'm thinking about criminal side of our life. We feel too weak in this life. We have to exhibit signs of our power to others. And use animals for it too. I had once an Airedale because I was afraid to go out of the house alown in that period. I spent money for training and felt sure with her.
I know this problem. But I write this post in the category "Abuses".
Monday, 10 December 2007
Awards for SMILE
Thanks to all friends that mentioned my blogs in their posts

You know it, I don't like this sort of posts. There are diferent reasons for it. First of all they have nothing interesting to read and to learn. They have even nothing to smile. So that is why I partecipate on this actions on my own way: I post a photo to make you smile and the list of your friends. I think it's good as Award and creates good emotions -that is important in our life.
Emma and her mom @Canine Kids
Raivyn @ Kaleidoscopic Reverie
Steve @ Steve Wilson Marketing
Furbaby Frenzy
Cynthia @ Luna Tail
Johann the Agility Dog
Colin @ Life blog
Waliz @ Waliz Diary 07
Happy @ Serendipity
Musings at Windyridge
Pass the notice: we like smile.
Excuse me,pls, I forgot to tell you about the other blog of Chris Catnip Corner
and there was the other list of blogs too:
Lilyruth's Dogcents
Franx's Dog lover
Auntie Dar's Life
Cats are crazy
Daisy the curly cat
Indy's corner
The cat realm
Curious Animals
Lacylulu Hudson, and
Emma and the Canine Kids
and here the list of previous blogs:
Rachel’s Soulful Thoughts
When Silence Speaks
Dancing in Midlife Tune
Underneath it All
I am Dzoi
Hobbies and Such
moms…..check nyo
Choc Mint Girl
Amel’s Realm
My Thoughts
Rusin Roundup
Juliana’s Site
Rooms of My Heart
Colin aka cotojo
A Great Pleasure
The dog log
and now I think, I can finally sleep with my coscience in peace. Could not sleep this night because had forgot about this other blog of Chris and other list!
One more friend you can find here:
Blogengeezer from "Da Flikkers"
and there was the other list of blogs too:
Lilyruth's Dogcents
Franx's Dog lover
Auntie Dar's Life
Cats are crazy
Daisy the curly cat
Indy's corner
The cat realm
Curious Animals
Lacylulu Hudson, and
Emma and the Canine Kids
and here the list of previous blogs:
Rachel’s Soulful Thoughts
When Silence Speaks
Dancing in Midlife Tune
Underneath it All
I am Dzoi
Hobbies and Such
moms…..check nyo
Choc Mint Girl
Amel’s Realm
My Thoughts
Rusin Roundup
Juliana’s Site
Rooms of My Heart
Colin aka cotojo
A Great Pleasure
The dog log
and now I think, I can finally sleep with my coscience in peace. Could not sleep this night because had forgot about this other blog of Chris and other list!
One more friend you can find here:
Blogengeezer from "Da Flikkers"
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Giant spitting cobra found
In the last period I write many times that there are many species of animals not found till today. I wrote about it this morning too.
And now I can offer you the very new proof of it.
May be I'm the first blogger writing about this species. :)))
The notice is dated december 7, yesterday, in all sites I found writing about it.
In Kenya was found (photo NatGeo)
Naja ashei - Ashe's spitting cobra
"the Largest in Spitting Cobra (2 m long) found any where in the World."( blog of Royjan from Wild Life Direct )

Interesting for me was that the cobras can spit their venom till 2 m and they find always eyes of the agressor to do it. There were even special researches to understand this WHY
Related post:
Nine foot spitting cobra found in Kenya
And now I can offer you the very new proof of it.
May be I'm the first blogger writing about this species. :)))
The notice is dated december 7, yesterday, in all sites I found writing about it.
In Kenya was found (photo NatGeo)
Naja ashei - Ashe's spitting cobra
"the Largest in Spitting Cobra (2 m long) found any where in the World."( blog of Royjan from Wild Life Direct )
Interesting for me was that the cobras can spit their venom till 2 m and they find always eyes of the agressor to do it. There were even special researches to understand this WHY
Related post:
Nine foot spitting cobra found in Kenya
About 3-4 days ago I heared abou this animal in an italian popular transmission. I wrote the name of this animal but then forgot where it was written. Today I found it and here is my research to make this story more clear.
There are hundreds and hundreds stories about alive dinosaurus like Nessy, very popular when I was a child. Today you can hear from time to time about pre-hystoric humans or animals. It's not my task to say: yes or no. Sincerely I was convinced by this quotation: nobody new about existance of tapir 20 years ago. About some species of monkeys. About dwarf crocodile. So, why not?
The lake in Ukraina where they think that exists an animal similar to this specie of dinosaurus is 57 meters deep. Who can know what is there in depth if the lake was never explored?
I, repeat, don't want to say yes or not. I only want to know what is this story about.
The definition:
A genus of extinct marine reptiles allied to the lizards, but having the body much elongated, and the limbs in the form of paddles. The first known species, nearly fifty feet in length, was discovered in Cretaceous beds near Maestricht, in the Netherlands.
fresh-water dwelling reptile (not a dinosaur)
So, you see, there is even not a unique definition and unique script f the name:"moso-" or "mosa-":
And imagin, I found an online-shop where you can buy the teeth of mososaurus found in Khourigba Plateau, Morocco at only 15 dollars! Here is what this shop writes about it:
Mososaurus beaugei was the largest of the five species of Mosasaur found in Morocco. It grew to lengths up to 60 feet long. Due to the fact that it had 2 separate lower jaws, it had the ability to spread/separate it's lower jaws apart to swallow much larger prey, much like modern day snakes do. The skulls of this monster attained lengths of 6 feet long with 4 foot long jaws.
A genus of extinct marine reptiles allied to the lizards, but having the body much elongated, and the limbs in the form of paddles. The first known species, nearly fifty feet in length, was discovered in Cretaceous beds near Maestricht, in the Netherlands.
fresh-water dwelling reptile (not a dinosaur)
So, you see, there is even not a unique definition and unique script f the name:"moso-" or "mosa-":
Mosa= the River Meuse (on which Meastricht is situated)was discovered in Cretaceous beds near Maestricht, inGood. From the stories told by the persons that live near this being we can create our own definition: it's an animal with the head similar to the snake(?) and body like a lizzard.
the Netherlands.
Mososaurus beaugei was the largest of the five species of Mosasaur found in Morocco. It grew to lengths up to 60 feet long. Due to the fact that it had 2 separate lower jaws, it had the ability to spread/separate it's lower jaws apart to swallow much larger prey, much like modern day snakes do. The skulls of this monster attained lengths of 6 feet long with 4 foot long jaws.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Seasonal migration of birds
One of world's leading experts on endangered species is David Wilcove. He wrote a book about migrations of birds and in poor words he thinks, migrating birds have not way home.
I know about this problems from the times I live in Italy and so wanted to look for more information around the internet.
There are many problems that have birds in their migrations ad the main of them is the human activity. Changes that human make on the roads of migration. So some persons thought to change this situation and to help the birds. Somebody builds houses for birds others think to cover lights over New York. Somebody wants to prevent seasonal migration (India)

In Italy, I hear about it every year, the hunters know that those are last existing individuals, but shoot them. And the persons that protect the birds too (Sicilia). In other places people understood what they lose only when the swallows don't came in spring more. Really sad.
Here where I live we see sometimes the birds flying over our heads. And there are zones of protection too. But how to do that poor birds know, where to go?
Did you know it?
One.The birds have different types of migrations. In spring they go in the places where they will make the family. After the nestlings are ready to fly, the birds can "wander" from place to place (and there are birds that pass their life "wandering"). This can help them to create the unite storm for migration too. And finally there are autumnal migrations to the warm and reach on food in winter places.
Two.There is a science, named phenology that studies seasonal changes in the nature. Like when this plant opens it's flowers and why?For ex. swift (on the photo) comes in Kaluga/Russia 2 weeks later as befor.
I know about this problems from the times I live in Italy and so wanted to look for more information around the internet.
There are many problems that have birds in their migrations ad the main of them is the human activity. Changes that human make on the roads of migration. So some persons thought to change this situation and to help the birds. Somebody builds houses for birds others think to cover lights over New York. Somebody wants to prevent seasonal migration (India)
In Italy, I hear about it every year, the hunters know that those are last existing individuals, but shoot them. And the persons that protect the birds too (Sicilia). In other places people understood what they lose only when the swallows don't came in spring more. Really sad.
Here where I live we see sometimes the birds flying over our heads. And there are zones of protection too. But how to do that poor birds know, where to go?
Did you know it?
One.The birds have different types of migrations. In spring they go in the places where they will make the family. After the nestlings are ready to fly, the birds can "wander" from place to place (and there are birds that pass their life "wandering"). This can help them to create the unite storm for migration too. And finally there are autumnal migrations to the warm and reach on food in winter places.
Two.There is a science, named phenology that studies seasonal changes in the nature. Like when this plant opens it's flowers and why?For ex. swift (on the photo) comes in Kaluga/Russia 2 weeks later as befor.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Just a plan for your house
Do you dream about a new house? It's a really difficult task for somebody who does it for the first time specially. You can feel dount. Don't worry. There are experts like House Plans and More that will help you to realize all amenities you want to have there. If you want to locate qualified builders you can do it directly clicking on the state of your interest. House Plans and More has many helpful tools and resourses you can use and you can choose there from different home styles and sizes.
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Sometimes homeowners look for luxury style of life that is why House Pans and More offers you great variety of luxury home Plans and there is a very great variety of architectural styles and options like 3-car garage, pool, guest suites and other living spaces.
Ranch House Plans has a great popularity until after the Second World War and remains the symbol of the nation.
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Smile, tomorrow is Friday
Many bloggers like to post "special" photos for Friday. I decided to join this usage today.
Smile with
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