Thursday, 22 September 2011

Gooood Manners in a Zoo

Every zoo has meal times. And every animal receives it's own food that it needs for healthy and happy life. These beautiful giraffes appreciate their food so much -it's clear that these leaves are among their favourite. But the quantity seems to the visitor in the car not too big for all them...


Some of the inhabitants of the zoo have not developed good manners as you see on this photo: this ostrich thinks that stolen food tastes better...


But stolen food has not so good taste if nobody can notice how sly is the thief. So the ostrich -not satisfied with the leaves on the pick-up goes to giraffas and tryes to steel the same leaves from their pile. It knows they can't go out from their area and -in any case it is much more faster...


Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tiger is the King

Tiger is so beautiful that you can not remain indifferent when you see them. В Клетках Хищников

...specially when theygo for a walk near your car even if they seem not interested in YOUR car... but it can happen that this cat wants to control if you like him and look at him in conformity with his royal status.

В Клетках Хищников В Клетках Хищников

 But tiger is always a cat. He likes company and he likes to rub against your legs -just like this tiger... even if 2 months of life only...

По Улице Водили Тигра. Почти 2 месяцев от роду По Улице Водили Тигра. Почти 2 месяцев от роду По Улице Водили Тигра. Почти 2 месяцев от роду
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