Sunday, 23 September 2012

Canine Mortality

Стасси перед Новым 2010 Годом

Do you love your dog? Yes, you do. I did, too. My poor girl was dead at the age of 13 years from canine cancer that destroyed her shoulder. The terrible disease grew for 2-3 or 4 years. Here is inphographic that will be interesting for you. And here I found an article
How to Lower the Risk of Cancer for Your Dog

Monday, 17 September 2012

My Parrots: the Eastern Rosella and the Cockatiel

Many years ago, I had budgerigars that lived free in our flat. They were incredibly clever and sly. They had a cage, nice and big enough to live happy there, but the female learnd to open that cage and they were flying in the room every day when I turned home from work. So, they began their life out of the cage.

I could tell you infinite stories about them, and you would surely understand the reason I like them so much.

In the years I live here, in Italy, I asked some times my husband to buy parrots. But I've seen them as the birds that have to live in the house and we have not the possibility to have animals in the house.

In the last period, I changed the idea and understood, it's possible to make them live in the henhouse, with other birds. So, when we went in a bird breeding, I bought two couples of parrots: the Eastern Rosella and the Cockatiel

Here you can see some photos I took the first day they lived here. Both rosella are very beautiful. The most beautiful I've seen in internet.

We leaved them in the part where quails and pheasants live. This part is divided in two. fter two days, the two couples of parrots live in different parts of this "habitat": the Cockatiels with the pheasants, the Rosella -with quails.

I come to visit them different times a day and the Cockatiels that are young seem to accept just my presence. The rosella which are adult do not feel good when I am there. But they chant! You know, they chant so nice! Probably, they wanted to know if other rosella live in this part of the world?

Friday, 7 September 2012

Do you know to shine from Happiness?

This photo went round the Facebook. The question on the photo is: do you know to shine from happiness like this?

Why are  they so happy? Look here. When you had such an expression last time? And for ONLY reason that someone caressed you...

Source: via Steve on Pintere

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