Tuesday 11 November 2008

Spider On The Window

Do you like spiders?

Sincerely I don't. I don't like insects generally. Probably I'm not right. You know, I don't see them as "normal" life. I don'tlike snakes and lizards too. But I'm able to think that this is a poor soul that the God had humbled this way. Is it because insects have not "normal" eyes?

So or not so, but the spiders are for me a reason to swear with my husband. Because we live among the nature, the house is full of all this natural beauty. Even scorpions pass to make a visit here, sometimes, not often fortunatelly.

Spiders are something incredible. I clean the room and find all the nets some hours later. And my husband is very angry because, he says, spiders catch mosquitos and flys. He has even a very protected one, great! about 1 cm black spider that lives near wc. And it's forbidden to me to touch it! Brrr...

But when I made this photo, I thought, my husband is right at least in part. Look, what a great job makes a spider if undisturbed.

This is a sad spider from the cartoon for little children "About a spider that nobody wanted to be his friend". It was very-very sad and chanted a very sad song about it.

Песенка паучка:
Что за грустная картина, кто ее нарисовал?
Я сижу на паутине, пучеглазый как сова.
Я совсем один на свете, в доме сыро и темно
даже солнышко поверте, не глядит в мое окно.

Я давно держу в секрете, но прошу о том молчок.
Говорят бывают дети, им не страшен паучок
Я на солнце и на ветер убежал бы из сетей,
Если б встретил, если б встретил замечательных друзей.


Anonymous said...

totally agree with your husband on this one. though i would use another wc.

footiam said...

No, I don't like spiders. And I think they don't like me too. They always run when I look at them.

Liudmila said...

...and because there is not other wc in the house I'll use the next to the house standing fig-tree for it's very comfortable for the use structure.

Liudmila said...

Oh my dear god,what a precious capacity have you, Footiam, i would so happy if I had it!!!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I hate spiders! I can't quite make the photo out though ;O)

Liudmila said...

In the SU there was a very beautiful cartoon for little children. The main character was a little spider there. And he chanted a song that he feels very alone and can't have friends because everybody hates little spiders...

Babs (Beetle) said...

Ahh, I feel guilty now :O)

Liudmila said...

I too... But I can't love them the same... :)))

But that big near wc I leave him alive...

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