You know him in my blogs from his articles Endagered Species -Orangutans, that many of you found interesting, and Batu Caves Hindu's Shrines that I posted in my "Vacation and Travel Talk" some days ago. The new article of Berry is about Shar Pei.
Meity (my daughter in law)’s friend just come back from China after long stayed there followed her father as a diplomat, she brought two male Shar Pei, one of them is namely Bimo nine months old, this kind of dog has a life span up to 10 years.Shar Pei is a breed dog that originated in China and has the distinctive features of deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue. Shar Pei has an alternative name Chinese Shar Pei or Chinese Fighting Dog.
Shar Pei has a temperament loyal, intelligent, playful, active, dominant, stubborn, bold, brave, easy going, calm, independent, devoted, in need of a confident handler firm, gentle, consistent training. If poorly socialized or trained, it can become especially territorial and aggressive.
Shar Pei’s were once named as one of the world’s rarest dog breeds by Time Magazines and the Guinness Book of World Records, and the American Kennel Club did not recognize the breed until 1991 (Wikipedia).
Bimo the Shar Pei is suspicious of strangers, Bimo barked at me and tried to jump on me when I touch the fence of their house, fortunately Bimo was calmed by the owner. Bimo is amenable to accepting strangers given time and proper introduction like Meity, because she has frequent visits to her friend’s house, and she could play around with Bimo as seen on these pictures.
(Sequence photos when Bimo plays with Meity).
My friend's blogs:
Animals as Friends,
Lazy Yogi,
Vacation and Travel Talk

I just love pets and believe they are good for our mental health. I have two cats and they are my "kids." You are so right that pets are our friends. And its unconditional love! Joanne
Dear Joanne, I'm glad you find what I write similar to your thoughts about animanìls. For me they are a part of the family too. In one post we discussed about Unconditional Love here Lion's Love. I'm agree with you.
nice shar pai u have send me some photographs of your dog on my mail.
I have a site on dogs i shall publish it on my site.
Dogs - breeds information - dog breeds
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