The very first time I knew about pet rats many years ago. I came to my friend-photograph to speak about next learning photography session and was shocked when his son came in the room with a rat in his hand, similar to this, on the photo but with more colours.
I could not understand this passion when a son of my other friend told me, he has a family of rats and he had even a very florent "business" selling their kids to other children and telling to them about pet rat training and care.
Now, looking on this photo I have other feelings. Maybe because I live now on the same territory, where many species of mouses and rats live. We have to kill them from time to time while they become so numerous and cheeky. They walk where they want even during the day time and kill chickens in the henhouse.
But when I saw them in the trap, their behaviour so similar to human, their eyes and "hands"... My husband wanted to fire me for it. He says, I don't give him to kill a spider and a fly and to chop down a tree more.
I think to write different posts about these animals and hope you will like them.
Related posts:
Poor mouses and rats
Useless cat
Rats attracted by cats
Read more:
Pet Rat Care And Training Guide
Some rats can be pets, but some can not. We heard some noises in the walls of our house over the last few days, and we think they might be rats or mice. These are rats that are not so good.
Oh, this rat is cute enough to be kept as pet.
Wai!!! JB, it's terrible!!! They eat bisquits!!!
It's cute, Footiam, but it would eat all my cakes, I think. But because they are so intelligent, maybe they can be as a dog...
I have heard that they are the most intelligent among this..mouse kind of pets...We have 2 guinea pigs and we were thinking of getting a rat also, but as we live in one room, there is no more space :(
Pigs are very intelligent animals too. And they are very nice. But how you do to live all in one room??? Incredibly! Maybe rats were more appropriate in these conditions. But your friends are long-liver and you can enjoy their company for about 20 years, I think. The problem is that it's an enormous tragedy that they leave us after so long living together. :(((
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